Seen this guy at the flea market on Sunday. Made of rusty looking wire. Never know what kind of gator you might run into living in Florida.

I found that eating with plastic utensils is not the greatest. I have reg. silver ware in PA…so don’t want to spend a lot of $$ on more. So got these cuties at the flea. The were only 25 cents each, plastic pink handles. This is all I got, I will get mine to put int the rig when I go back to PA this summer.

Click on pic to see pretty pink.

And here we have Christmas decorating Florida style! Seen these on our morning walks.
Went shopping this am. needed some food supplies and meds. Working on getting ready for my sister to come on Friday and getting ready for the GTG. I still cant figure out what to do about food for any pot lucks there might be. I don’t think I am ready to do real cooking in the rig yet. I don’t want a failure then have nothing to take!!
I found out my furnace works great! This am it was something like 48. When I went out to the rig about 7:30 when I opened the door a blast of warm cozy air hit me. The furnace was running. I have left my propane on in case on my day trips I wanted to use the stove top. I guess the furnace came on auto when the temp dipped down. I t was pretty quiet not noisy at all. My DD and SIL had a TT that had a very noisy furnace.
Good book I just read. Stephen King’s 11/22/63
A man stumbles across a porthole to the past, and inlist the help of another to go back in time and try and change history by stopping the assassination of JFK. There is a lot more involved, other side story’s of the main person involved in his life, and how he handles going back in time. This is not like other King’s book that are scary and sometimes very nasty.I stopped reading King because of how nasty they got . I am pretty sure anyone of you would like it….I would share it but it is my DD’s book and she wants it back. It took awhile to read has over 800 pages. I tried not to read it fast, as it was so good I did not want it to end. Now that I am finished I feel kind of lost lol that’s all for now thanks for looking and come back soon.
blessings G&M