so this post might not be to interesting…got busy the other day and finally got the front porch scrubbed…along with the patio furniture…it was a scuzzy mess…from all the mold that it got this summer…another thing I am not fond of in FL..I used that Clorox cleaner in a spray bottle…it is nothing I use in the house..cause of the fumes…even though it says it is for kitchen cleaning…those white plastic chairs you get at wal mart …seen below…when you use the spray it on cleans and takes away the mold …but it takes the shinny finish of the chair..and leaves it feeling rough…but it does the job…floor needs painted…been after dad to let me do it for 3 years..but he keeps putting me off…lol see my fake palm tree in the corner….my sister and I went to a yard sale last year….I liked it..she made me buy it…that’s my story and I am sticking to it…lol…
Found this….
cute little wire rolling cart also at a yard is very small those vintage enamel pans are about 9x13 if that..right now it is in my art/craft room…thought I would use it there but the more I look at it I would like to some how keep it in the rig and use it there….I would bungee it to the table leg when on the move…I need one more pan for the bottom shelf…I have a cardboard I scarfed up at Wal Mart….here is a tip for anyone that does a lot of shipping or even if you just want to ship something…when I am in need of a shipping box.. I shop for it at any given time they are always stocking shelves and you can have your pick of size and wt… I even got some really small ones in the pharmacy dept. for shipping vintage jewelry when I sell it….you should never have to buy a box for shipping…
Here is the….
that cupboard that slept with use the whole way to FL…Maggie did not like it there but she put up with it…I think it is from the 30’s a kitchen cabinet or a doctor’s office cabinet…there is not enogh cupboard space here at dads for my stuff so I brougt it with me this time…
And Maggie
Here she is after that 2 mile ? (more like 3) walk around the lake at SESQUICENTENNIAL ST. PARK…she came right in the rig jumped up in her seat and plopped right down and fell asleep…lol..
Well all for now thanks for looking and come back soon…blessings to all G&M
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