WEATHER IN GREENVILLE PA Temp 70 with rain on and off all day, mostly cloudy, not what this old lady is use to!
Took Maggie out and about Sat. We went to a few yard sales I got this iron votive holder to use as a stencil for my art projects. I twisted of the round votive holders so the would not be in the way while I spray.
I got this plastic box thing to use the same way. I took the box apart so it could be used in a better way. We also found a neat cache over at the beach. I was at one of the access parks to the ocean. I didn’t take a pic because it would have given the hid away if anyone here in Florida would happen to read my blog. But it was hid under a sea shell. We went up to the Patrick AFB area, while we were crossing the bridge there were a bunch of fighter jets comeing in to base, wow was that awesome!!! I seen a bunch of cars pulled off to the side, was wondering what was going on when BOOM I heard then. Took me a while to pull of get out and get phone camera on, and by that time they were done. So much noise as the were landing right there. Almost scary! So any way no pic’s.
That’s it for now thanks for looking come back soon.
Blessings Donna
Well last night I down loaded a new program called Live Writer. All of a sudden on my blog I would be half thru it and it would disappear never to be seen again. So I thought this live writer thing would help. This is the second post that I have used it, last night on other blog I used it, anyway I had my pic on here and was just starting to add the text and bingo the whole shoot’n match disappeared. GRRRRRRRRRRRR
I will try again. here are a few pic’s of some easy caches that we have found last couple weeks.This is your typical chain link fence hiding spot. When I first started geocaching this was hard for me to figure out. loll
“CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW” This is soooooo easy. An old broken down phone sitting in plan site.
This one had me for awhile. It really is easy but for some reason I could not find it. When I did find it, I looked at the logs and someone said when they found it there was a homeless man sleeping beside it. Amazes me because this is in a busy parking lot with a big 4 story business building right there.
Well I got thru this ok, I am looking for a place to save it as I go along typing but can’t find it. I am getting ready to go north soon, I will be I will be leaving on May 19th. I will be doing a travel blog here so if family and friends want to keep track of me can do so. And we will be camping instead of motels, and maybe seeing some sites along the way.
All for now blessings