WEATHER: Another wonderful day in FL , 75 blue sky and a slight breeze.
Boy will I miss this weather!
This was a neat cache that took me couple times to find it. I thought it was in the bushes but turns out it was on the blue parking bar. As u can see there is a tube attached to a piece of rebar
I think you can figure it out from there.
Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom , scrubbed floor etc etc. Took Maggie on a couple of walks and went to WM. This morning dad check a tire that looked low and it was so took it to tire place and have appt. at 1pm . Could not repair tire, and its less than a year old, so took spare and put that on, untill I can get a new one.
March 25
WEATHER Still nice but temps change as I go north.
Drove for 12 hrs today and I was very tired to say the least. Just leaving GA and entering SC there was a big traffic back up. I waited 20 min, seen lot of semi's going along burm and some RV's too, looked and saw a exit so I followed them figured they knew where they were going.
We traveled along side I-95 for about 20 mi and still the back up, finally I lost the semi's along the SC country side but had my maps and GPS so I didn't get lost. Got back on the interstate and was smooth going from there. Started at 6:30am stopped at 6:00pm.
March 26
Got on the road about 7:00am stopped for breakfast and a geocache about 9am. Found that one ate and went on. Stopped for another geocache a couple hrs later and there was a cop sitting at GZ so that was a DNF. Had a few other DNF. Got to my daughters about 3:30.
All for now stay tuned and see what tomorrow will bring
Happy Caching