We started here….
on Friday morning…wanted to check out the high waves again..but they seem to be not has high today…almost tho…I watched the waves for awhile to see how far on the beach they were coming up…I wanted to sit down and get a pic of them coming on shore straight at me …well I thought I was far enough up on the beach…NOT…soon as I sat down one wave come roaring up and got me…all most got my phone that was in my pocket…Maggie who was beside me jumped straight up in the air and took off like a jet plane…this was just to funny…. but glad no one was around to take a pic of me…lol…nice thing about having your home on wheels with you ..can change out of wet clothes even shoes…and continue on with you day at the beach…or where ever your home takes you…

Later on we left …..
the beach and went over to Wickham Park…I had noticed the other day that they were setting up for some kind of festival…When we got there this is what we found…Native Rhythms Festival…

We saw this teepee…not sure what it was used for…no one was around it…

This booth had a verity of items..a lot of pottery…I could not tell if the booth owner made it or bought it some where…it looked handmade…but probably not by this person..just too much variety for one person to do it all… when I had my store there was a Native American store in the village …and she use to buy wholesale from Native Americas in the west…everything made by them…

There were a lot of booths with flutes and flute music and related items..…but the neatest ones I seen were these cute little oval shaped clay flutes …handmade…I think that 80% of the booths were flute related…sort of like the craft shows of today…mostly jewelry…

A couple of walking stick booths….again not sure if made by the booth owner…

This man was selling some very interesting baskets that he made…he had a nice set up..he had very nice baskets…so often at craft shows now days you see so much made in China…back in the day..when I first started doing shows…everything had to be made by the crafter/artist doing the showing and selling…and at most you had to jury into the show…some where along the line in the mid 90’s I would say…things changed and a lot of made in China over took the shows…now days most of what you see is just that made in China…it got to the point most of the large good shows went down hill because of it…the real crafters and artist refused to compete with the China stuff… and stayed away from the shows…cause you couldn’t compete.. they sold it just so cheap..and some of the stuff I seen here…looks like the same thing is going on with this type of show …I use to be a store owner and know wholesale stuff when I see it…and being a craft/artist I know the real thing…

And then….
was time for lunch…always wanted to try one of these..Indian Taco…mmm mmm good…taco fix’ins on fry bread …this fry bread was ok…but nothing like the fry bread I had when I visited NM when my first grandchild was born…my SIL was a teacher on the Navaho Reservation for several years…and when my grandson was born…I was on a jet plane out there to see him…so I did get to eat some authentic Navaho food….some day I hope to RV out west…some day
…anyway it was good and I ate it all…..!!!! was lunch and dinner…

The rest of the story…
The rest of the afternoon we were serenaded by flute music ..different vendors were playing …they were only about 150 yard away…we stayed there for a couple hrs …then stopped for awhile at the home park…and then back to dads …it was just getting dark…about 6pm…hate that it gets dark so early…well that’s all for now thanks for looking and come back soon…blessings to all G&M