What have I been doing? Well after all the purging & packing, I have to many totes packed to take with me. So I have started to look thru them and repack! UGH!! I what to take my scrap booking things, vintage ephemera, items I call THRIFTY TIMELESS TREASURES , to sell on Esty. I want to sell things for peeps altered art and embellishing projects and things for collecting.
All my pictures, clothes, and other necessary items used for daily living. I want to take lot of things from my kitchen, I like to cook with my stuff. I have a small Toyota Tacoma truck and limited on each trip load. And of course Maggie and all her stuff. Yes she has STUFF, balls and toys thing that a doggie can't do with out. LOL That will be my focus now, getting ready to leave on Nov. 1 I am ready to go south!!
Posted a few pic's on things I seen in my travels this week. I like to decorate for fall but those huge pumpkins are way beyond my decorating! What would you do with them after? If you click on the pic you can see how much they weigh, the have it on a sign in front of each one. lol Lots of pies there! I know they are not pie pumpkins. :)
One other thing I saw was that RV parked in our Wal Mart with levels down, sides out, toad with motor cycle. It was parked there for 5 days. I seen a man coming out of it one day. No clue what was going on, I have seen lot of over nighters, but not long term like that. Our WM is less than a mile away and I go there alot:) So I see these things.
The cache of the day is one of the new GRF (like the one I lost, he replaced it by the way) This one was hard to see coming down the road, I stopped where the GPS said, it was a few feet away from hidden GR and all I seen was a small path into the woods. I went a few feet in looking for the GR , came back out when I didn't see it , walked behind the truck and seen the GR. Found it easily after that. That is what a "camo pill bottle" looks like. Pill bottle covered with camo duct tape. Bet you didn't know there was such a thing as camo duct tape!
Well since it is rain and gloom today, I will work inside on the tote thing. And what ever suits my fancy. I still have so much to do , I feel guilty when not working on something. I will be glad when this is done! Then I hope to find out what is really like to be retired and do what ever I want with out all the guilt. Dont know why I let that stuff bother me, at this time in my life but I do.
All for now thanks for stopping by