Here are a few pic's of what I have been doing. The two tables are like the ones that they sell at Ikea, (I think) I got them at a yard sale a few weeks ago. Needed something to do so I painted them red white and blue then antiqued them. I usually use Bri Wax to antique with but didn't have any with me and could not find any here. Used some stuff I got at Micheal's but don't like it at all. But they still look nice. I put them in the yard sale but they didn't sell , I didn't think the would because they were not priced at a yard sale price. I will take them up north with me and sell there. The other thing that took up a lot of time was helping dad get ready for his yard sale. We had a good amount to sell and sold almost all of it. Made him happy. I will be having another sale next Sat. if the weather is ok. I brought stuff to sell at some flea markets here but have not found one that would work for me. Maybe with yard sale I can make some gas money for return trip.
This AM I went to a grocery store called Publix nice store, a relief from WM. There are a few others I want to try also. We won't be doing much today I am sitting here in front of the window blogging watching the rain pour down. Maggie is lying on the bed sleeping. She wakes up if a squirrel runs up one of the palm trees in front of the window, the other day one fell out of the tree and hit the window, scared the bejebies out of me. lol. Well thats all for now stay tuned to see whats next in sunny FL
happy caching