Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Hike or walk….

Well what ever you want to call it…this was Pheebe’s first ..she is not sure where to go first …something caught her eye…a lot of things distract her….lol…This county park has some great walking trails…lots of the  old Florida look …dripping with moss…

20160119_130820ok what ..what now…

And thru the moss we spotted this egret…i love looking for the birds of Florida…we dont see things like this where i come from….i even love the ibis…they are like the robins of the north..everywhere…


At the edge of the lake we spy another egret…did not see much wild life…if it was not so cold and a i was not a such a wimp…i would have walked more …and seen more…


We did walk over to one of the other 4 lakes …not sure which one it was tho….


Did not even see many of the cute little wild flowers of Florida…they pop up all over the place and so cute..only seen these cuties…so dainty…


And the rest of the story….

We did cut the walk around the lake shore…as good as Pheebe was she had her moments…a total melt down…while we were walking a ranger came by in a truck…even tho i picked her up and stepped away from the road …she got on one of her hysterical jags…nothing could calm her down…15 min. after he was gone she was still at it trying to chase him down the road and  he was no where in site…this is how she gets…so we started walking back…she was still in that mode…did not calm down until we went inside…going to work on cleaning up the messy rig…do laundry …have to take dad to new cardio doc to see about his pace maker battery getting low…his cardio does not do that part… after it warms up i want to do some day trips with the rig…well all for now thanks for looking and come back soon …blessings GM&P

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