What I saw….
Well by now everyone knows about the the Orion launch that went on last week…even so I just thought I would b log about it ….for my GGG grand children to read about…that is if this is still around…So I got up at 0 dark thirty to watch this epic event….so at day break this is what was on the TV…

And shortly there after this was what was on the screen….everyone was booing and hissing how could this nut in a boat be doing this…

And then along came the wind…boo boo boo… again…

And then along came a fuel valve delay…and so it was the end of the first day ….

And this was….
the picture the next morning…lift off…”At dawn..there is a dawn of a new era of space exploration” that was the voice from NASA that we heard …men back to the moon …to the red planet …and beyond…space will never be the same again!…

And there it goes….up and away…about 4 hrs. late it splashed down in the Pacific ocean…it did its job and now on to the next faze …it is being shipped across the country and should be here on Friday..this week…Dec 12…that sounds like maybe it is coming buy semi truck …

The rocket pushing Orion upward is is the Delta 4 ..at this point in time the biggest rocket in the world…pretty cool…usually when they have these launches I can see the rocket from the back yard…but it was so cloudy I could not see a thing…but I sure did hear the noise…rattles the windows…

This is a pic looking down as it lifted upward…they really showed some awesome pictures…

And the rest of the story….
I hope I got all the facts right …on this event..thing about these space launches …my mother was here with my grandparents and seen the launch of the first American to orbit the Earth in 1962…and my brother and I were here to watch the last launch of the the Shuttle… we went up to Cape Canaveral to watch…that was awesome also…This is so much more real and exciting living here on the east coast of central Florida…”The Space Coast” it is really a big deal here…and I love it..living history…and on my little patch of green grass on the planet Earth…it is a little cool here…and a little rainy last couple days…but a lot of sunshine coming up with temps at night 40s & 50s…day 60s & 70s…but I am not complaining…been taking dad to do his errands and some household things…doing some Christmas stuff…getting things ready to send out…All for now thanks for looking and come back soon…blessings G&M