I had to turn my water off before I left. I was leaving in Sept. so I started the process in July. Because the shut of was cemented the bottom of my drive way and I knew this would be a problem. To make a very long story short the water Co. dropped the ball and the pic you see below was the day before I was to leave. They finally got it done, but my drive way is not finished. They just put gravel in it and will cement it again when I get there next summer. They said they would come up and do it some time this fall or next spring, I said, no you will wait till I get back. After all that went on, I do not trust them to do the job right.

I was on my way to the beach the other day and saw this on the river while crossing the causeway. A barge with a class C motor home on it. It was just sitting there pretty close to the causeway. When I came back there was a tug boat trying to move it back to where ever it belongs. I think it got loose and driffed there. I wonder why the Class C was on it in the first place?

This was a cache I found on the way down here. Was a real anchor very big. Was a key magnet so was easy, but me, I made it hard. lol. But I did finally find it.

I am still dealing with my feet. I go to the doctor tomorrow will see what he has to say. They are better but I cant do normal things like my walking exercise or even go shopping. Have not been doing much went to the beach a couple times. We had that bad storm last weekend and are suppose to have another one today and tomorrow, but it is not as bad as they thought. Here its just cloudy gray and misting rain. Been working on some art swaps I joined you can check that out on my other blog
http://redapplejunction.blogspot.com Dad had some blossoms on his tomato's but I think that wind got them last weekend. Did not break any plants so they should be ok. I want to have a yard sale as soon as I can walk and be on my feet for any length of time. All for now thanks for looking and come back soon