WEATHER : In Melbourne FL today cloudy high 74 low this am was 58. Sun to shine later in the day.

What have we been doing? Well Christmas weekend Maggie and I went caching and found five but forgot to take the camara. No pic's. Pretty laid back Christmas just grandpa and me. New years day, some friends of grandpa's came over for dinner.
I did find someone to cut my hair, I was worried about that. Its a chain The Cuttlery, nice young girl, did a good job. Yesterday went to WM got some food, went to Goodwill, found a few things for my art. I can't believe I am living in Florida and living such a boring life. Maggie and I did take our walk to the park seen a dolphin but could not get a pic, everytime I clicked it would be already under the water. Not fast enough.
We went geochaching this last weekend, and found a few. I took the camara this time so I will have someting to post. Also I met a very nice couple geocaching. I was about to leave one I had found when this yellow jeep pulled in. They sat there for awhile and so did I, I figured it had to me cachers, who else would be at this spot. So I got out and walked up to them and ask. The said they were so am I, said to them, they got out and we talked geocache for about 1/2 hr. very nice people, we hope to get together and cache sometime.
The cache of the day is one about 3 mile from home. A hint was read the sign, so I did and seen nothing. A few boys were riding bikes on the way to the water, and one stopped and ask if I was looking for the geocache? Yes I said, so he gave me a hint and I got it. I ask him if he was a cacher he said not yet, but I want to.
All for now thanks for looking
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