Dog days of summer blah, work blah, caching blah, and a boring blog blah! That's the way I have been feeling, so I know I have been lax in posting.
I think I have the most boring of boring blogs, in Bloggerville. I think all this work is getting to me this summer, ya know the old saying all work and not play , blah , blah, blah! Every blog I read peeps, are doing things, going places, and all that good stuff. I cant even get to any caches, I go to the flea market to set up every Sunday, but even that is work. lol even the flowers in the pic are blah looking wilted, it rained the other day so I set them on the step to get a good drink. Ok ok enough of the soap box!
After all is said and done, and complained about, we are making progress with the house. Got the basement walls all painted with the DRY LOC and boy did it do a great job. I you have damp or wet basement walls don't hesitate to use this product. I forgot what a good job it does! We put some on the floor were we thought it might be helpful, and it worked there also. Then we painted the floor ( just have a small area left to do) and finally the whole basement looks better than it has in many years. You don't mind going down there and doing what ever. LOL to bad I will be leaving it for someone else to enjoy.
As I said have not even been able to go do any caching. So here is pic's of one I got a couple of months ago. Was kind of easy, and I got to see a little park that I didn't even realize was there.
Well all for now. I'm off to give Maggie a bath, she must know, she is hiding under the chair in the living room. LOL
Happy Caching