WEATHER IN MELBOURNE FLORIDA : Brrrrrrrrrr cold, 35 this morning. Blue sky and sunny but cold. 51 now at 12:45 pm. Family does not like pic's taken so no more pic's :( We had a good time went to the beach alot. Looking for shells and drift wood for her to paint on. We got alot. Dad put a tent on the tomato's last nite, and will tonite but then it is suppose to get warmer. He doesn't think we will get another cold snap. My feet are much better, taking walk in the mornings about 5 min each way, and can walk around house with little pain. I hope this will post, I did one yesterday on my other blog and this morning it was gone. I went back in and clicked on it to publish a couple more times, so if ever does show up it might be there 3 times lol. All for now thanks for looking and come back soon.