Have a couple things to share today. First is a pic of frozen tomato plants. These did not have a light bulb in among the plants just had covers. They don't look so good. It is going to freeze tonite and Monday also, so even covered I doubt these will make it. I might try making some green fried tomatoes. Never had them. Grandpa will cover them all again tonite. You can click on pic to see how bad they are.
The second pic is a couple "friends" keeping watch over me while I blog! lol I need more friends!!
The big orange is a geocache me and Maggie found last week, it is one of only two I have found here in Florida since I came back in Nov. When I looked for this on last winter when I was here I could not find it, well looking back on the logs I see that it was missing then. When I pulled into the parking lot a boy muggler came out of his house across the way and watched me the whole time I was there, so after about 1/2 hr I just took the cache with me to look for the next one, went back about on hr later he was gone so I replaced the cache. It was obvious he was not going to leave until i did. The log was very wet, but it dried out so I could sign it and put it back.
Having ham for dinner grandpa cooked it yesterday, it seems like that if he has something to do or something is going on, he has to do it or get ready several days ahead of time. Hmmmmm.....
oh well, .........................
All for now thanks for taking a look, and have a blessed day