It has been awhile since my last post…no excuses…just didnt do it…went to a GTG at Hardee Lake with my RV pals…Washed the RT before I left…waste of time it was very very dusty at the campground…

But she sure was prudy for awhile look at that shine…much easer to wash that the old lemon class C…speaking of the RT…have had a few things that needed fixed…I have an appointment next Mon. while at Hardee Lakes i went to dump on my way out pulled the black tank leaver emptied that tank…pulled the gray and it pulled out of what ever it was attached to…it did not come all the way out so i pushed it back the best i could…nothing came out because i have a macerator… hope to get a new hose on the macerator / dump …it is ok but not long enough…and the other thing on the side door the rubber seal needs replace…that can wait..I was telling my friend the other day thought maybe i should have got a high top cargo van make a bed get a portapotty …a cooler and an extension cord and been done with it…but i do love my RT…
A sweet shine…
Pheebe showing off her Christmas presents…new red sweater and a new red bed…she thinks she looks pretty in red…lol and i guess she does…
I’m cute in red …huh..
More Pheebe…again watching the Steelers playing while we were camping at Hardee Lakes…I have been a little up set that i could not get the TV to work…so I brought in one I had that I knew worked…but could not get it working in the RT…I looked and looked for a booster button..none could be found…I read on a FB RT page that some did not have them…so was telling some of the girls about it and we decided to go to Walmart and see it we could get a TV booster…got one $14.99 hooked it up and we got TV in time for the game…The RT is easy to turn from a bedroom to a living room…
Please Mama I am watching the game!
I was at Hardee Lake for a week…and on Sunday the Duch Oven group came and had a cook out and we were invited to join in…just bring a dish did not have to be cooked in a DO….we had a big group at dinner…
Good group….
There is always a ton of good food at these gatherings…this was not a cook off just a gathering of fun and good times & good food…
Good food…
Not sure what I am going to do with my Blog at this time…If I keep it going …I wonder if anyone reads it…use to be I would get some comments but not so much anymore…maybe cause I am lax in posting…Would like to do a different format making it easier to make a post…so will look into that to start with and see if business picks up …I am still working on my dads estate stuff and all that entails…things seem to pop up out of no where that you have to deal with and sometimes it is not easy…still working on my stuff and trying to find a place to live…also not easy…well all for now…thanks for looking…blessings to all GM&P